Environmental buoy

Reliability from ponds to rough open seas

The EHP-Environmental buoy can be utilised at sea, on lakes and in rivers or pools. Examples of use include the monitoring of water quality at beaches, industrial emissions and turbidity at dredging sites. The EHP buoy can be fitted with radar reflector and hazard light when necessary. Measurements can take place close to the surface or at desired depth.

  • Great for research and fish farming
  • Detect oil spills quickly
  • Monitor water levels conveniently
  • Reliable and highly accurate data

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Many measurement options

Our buoy can monitor everything from water conditions (e.g. temperature, dissolved oxygen etc.) and weather conditions (e.g. wind speed) to the biological content of the water, including Chlorophyll-a, COD, BOD etc.

Wireless information

Data from the buoy is transmitted OTA to either the EHP-Dataservice or the customer’s own system. GPS shows the location of the buoy and can alert you if the buoy moves away from the desired position.


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